1 | Who is Health Matching Account Services?
Health Matching Account Services, Inc. (HMAS®) is based in Houston, Texas and is the exclusive provider of Health Matching Account products consisting of the HMRA® program for employers and the HMA® for individuals and families. Both the HMA® and HMRA® programs are medical savings programs that award increasing, monthly, medical matching to assist both employers and employees in bringing down their first-dollar, out-of-pocket, medical costs. HMAS® is a privately-managed, financial services company who is committed to bringing down the cost of health care in the group and individual markets.The directors and founders bring over a century of experience in the life and health services industry. The founders are former owners of one of the largest independent companies in the southwest United States.
2 | Does the HMA® program require participants to purchase a high deductible health insurance plan?
No. The HMA® is not required to be complemented by a high deductible health plan (HDHP). Although the individual or family may choose to have a HDHP, it is not required.
3 | What happens when the HMA® reaches its target medical cap?
Once the HMA® individual or family program reaches its predetermined, target medical cap, the participant is no longer required to make their full, monthly HMA® contribution and only maintenance fees are required until another medical service is performed that uses the HMA® as payment.
4 | What if HMA® owners want to change their contribution amount or paid-up target medical cap?
HMA® contribution levels are designed to be flexible in order to accommodate anyone seeking to build their own medical savings program and significantly reduce their health care expense obligations by pre-funding their out-of-pocket, health care costs through the HMA® product. Health Matching Account Services offers a variety of different levels of HMA® contribution levels with corresponding medical target caps ranging from $5,000 all the way up to $60,000 per participant or family.
The HMA® program provides participants with the ability to adjust both their monthly contribution amounts and target caps in order to scale up their HMA® matching as they see fit. This means that If the HMA® participant wishes to increase their monthly contribution level and its corresponding, target medical cap, they will be permitted to do so one time per month.
5 | If the Employer is contributing to an employee’s HMA® program, is the HMA® owned by the employee?
Yes, and the HMA® would be portable in this situation as well as if the individual employee was sponsoring it on their own.
6 | What medical expenses can be paid for with my HMA® matching to pay for medical expenses?
The HMA® pays for eligible, out-of-pocket, medical expenses as stated in the HMA® Member Contract. Click here to view the HMA® List of Services.
7 | What medical services are not eligible to be paid for with the HMA®?
- Drugs, Alcohol Or Any Rehabilitation Facilities
- Over The Counter Medicine Including Non-Rx Prescriptions
- Non-prescription Purchases At Pharmacies
- Payments To Medical Collection Agencies And Any Provider Asking For Payments Past 30 Days Of The Date Of Service Or 90 Days For A Hospital Service
- Health Care Financial Consultants
- Massage Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Supplements
- Elective Procedures Not Performed By An MD
- Annual Memberships For Dental Expenses Or Primary Care
- Annual, Semi-annual Or Quarterly Membership Fee Payments For Direct Primary Care Or Concierge Medical Services
- Cosmetic Or Other Elective Procedures Not Performed By Medical Doctors (MD), Doctor Of Osteopathy (DO), Doctors Of Psychology, Dentist (DDS Or DMD), Optometrists (OD), Podiatrists (DPM)
- The HMA® Will Not Cover And Reimburse Any Payment Plans Set Up For Any Outstanding Past, Present Or Future MD, Dental Or Hospital Bills
HMAS® is not health insurance.